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Thinking about becoming a surrogate? You might be wondering how much do surrogates make and what makes this journey so rewarding.

In Illinois, surrogacy compensation can be quite generous, with first-time surrogates earning a minimum of $55,000 and repeat surrogates receiving $65,000. Some independent couples might even offer up to $80,000!

The financial rewards are just the beginning.

Being a surrogate is a deeply fulfilling experience that allows you to make a life-changing impact on intended parents who dream of starting or growing their family.

When you take the journey with us are numerous additional benefits that can enhance your total compensation. Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • A monthly stipend of $300
  • $500 medication start fee
  • $1,000 embryo transfer fee
  • Multiples fee: $5,000 for twins, $10,000 for triplets or more
  • Maternity clothes allowance: up to $750 for a single baby, $1,000 for multiples
  • $200 per week for breast milk pumping
  • Housekeeping stipend of $90 per week starting at 32 weeks
  • Life insurance policy up to $750,000
  • Travel reimbursement for meals, hotels, airfare, and more
  • Health insurance coverage
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Mental health support
  • Free access to surrogate support events

Your incredible generosity brings immeasurable joy and happiness, making the surrogacy journey truly priceless.

Ready to embark on this life-changing journey and make a lasting impact? Join us and become a surrogate today!